Cynthia Anderson, USA

Introducing  : Cynthia Anderson has published 12 poetry collections, among them a collection of haiku and senryu titled Full Circle (Cholla Needles Press, 2022). Her poems appear frequently in journals and anthologies, and her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. Cynthia is co-editor of the anthology A Bird Black As the Sun: California Poets on Crows & Ravens. She has lived in California for over 40 years.

helping me be
my best self—
praying mantis

July 20th 2023 

desert road
a dust devil scatters
my footprints

November 27th 2023 

my breath light
as a feather

May 12th 2024 

worm moon revising my life

December 8th 2024


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