Dr Elliot Diamond, USA

Introducing  : Dr Elliot Diamond, who after many years of studying Japanese acupuncture and philosophy,  launched into haiku/haiga and beyond. Publications with Bones, Chrysanthemum, Cold Moon, 5 Fleas, haikuNetra, Heliosparrow Poetry Journal and with upcoming haiku awaiting publication with blithe, Modern Haiku, tsuri-dōrō, Folk ku, Trash Panda and others.  His other joy is as a musician with creating ethnographic CD’s and avante garde jazz. 




the sideway sway            

of conjoined willows

bossa nova

November 21st 2023 

baby black swan splashes spring rain

May 11th 2024 

the night plumps
a Milky Way
Buddha's barbecue

November 12th 2024 


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